Harvard Law School

Faculty Disclosures re: Related Outside Interests and Activities

Name: Jessica Fjeld

HLS Title:

The faculty member above engages from time to time in outside activities, some of which are compensated, some of which are ongoing, and also has outside financial interests that may relate to his/her scholarly activities. The disclosures below are intended to provide interested parties information about potential conflicts of interest during the relevant period that might exist between the faculty member's scholarly and teaching activities, on the one hand, and his/her outside activities, on the other hand.
Client/Interest Role/Interest Issue/Matter Dates
Centro de Technología y Sociedad / Universidad de San Andrès Expert / Consultant Advisory Board member June 2022 - ongoing
Data Nutrition Project Board December 2021 - ongoing
Global Network Initiative Board September 2018 - ongoing
Apple Inc. Direct Equity Interest September 2012 - ongoing

Last Updated: August 24, 2023